ACU-DOG: A Guide to Canine Acupressure (BZ04)
ACU-DOG: A Guide to Canine Acupressure (BZ04)
You can:
1):Understand Tranditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theories.
2):Apply TCM concepts in performing a canine acupressure session.
3):Learn functions and locations of meridians.
4):Take action with 33 specific canine health and behavioral conditions
5):Help your dog feel and be his best.
ACU-DOG makes ancient Chinese healing accessible for people who love and care for dogs. This canine acupressure book ofers a highly substantive resource for learning thousands of years of evidence-based knowledge and touch therapy techniques. Because dogs give us so much, it is an honor to take time to give back to them through acupressure. This book provides an opportinuity for you to study and learn how to communicate your love and caring. Your dog will understand your intention, I promise. --Linda Tellington-Jones, Ph.D. ACU-DOG offers a doorway beckoning you to explore the riches of the world as seen through the keen eyes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, all the while empowering dog lovers to hand-on participation in maintaining the verve of our tail-wagging friends. --Ella Bittel, Holistic Veterinarian.